The Rio Texas Conference encompasses the southern regions of Texas.  Extending from Austin in the north, to the Rio Grande Valley in the south and from San Angelo in the west to the Gulf Coast. 


Relief supply kits help provide care for the most vulnerable during times of crisis. UMCOR collects cleaning buckets, hygiene kits and menstrual hygiene kits, assembled by United Methodist volunteers for distribution during disaster events. The supply of kits available is very low, especially for the Hygiene Kits!

Churches can easily create these kits and transportation can be organized to the Kerrville warehouse. From there, they are verified and distributed to the impacted areas.

We need to have an ample supply of kits ready to go! This is an excellent project for Youth groups, Sunday School classes or a church-wide activity. For kit contents and instructions on assembly, please click here: UMCOR Warehouse .

For questions or additional information on transporting kits to the warehouse, please contact Eugene Hileman (210) 557 8698 or


What are the steps to volunteer?

Step 1: Complete the ERT or Long Term Recovery interest form with your basic team info and potential dates.  You will then be contacted within a few days or maybe a week to discuss available housing for your dates. Once confirmed you can move to step 2.

Step 2:  Begin meeting with your team to prepare their hearts and minds for service, as well as complete all the paperwork!  

  • Any ERT forms will come from Jim Street and should be returned to him.

  • Long term recovery forms are available on the "Forms" page under the "Serve" button. The team lead will collect all the completed forms, add the cover sheet with proof of background checks and safety training and must return no later than two weeks before your arrival date. This assists the local staff in preparing for your arrival. Once the forms are returned it will generate contact to the team lead from the housing host and the construction supervisor. If you have not heard from anyone it may be because you have not submitted your completed forms yet.

Step 3: Please be sure to note all the requirements for background checks and safety training.

  • If your team is from within the Rio Texas Conference, please complete the "Safe Gatherings" process for your background check and the "Trusted con Confianza" process for safety training. Every team must have 2:8 members safety trained. More info is at

  • If your team is from outside of the Rio Texas Conference we will recognize your conference's background check process and safety training. The requirements however remain the same - all team members must be background checked and the ratio of 2:8 safety trained still stands. Please provide a list from your district or conference office verifying proof of passed background checks and safety training certification.

Step 4: Prepare what you are planning to bring:

  • Bedding - note your housing location and what they offer.

  • Tools. Bringing your own tools is very helpful. We have outfitted a tool trailer for each of the Sinton and Victoria hubs, but depending on how many volunteers are in the area on active sites, sharing tools can be challenging. Learn more at

  • Fees - Vary based on the sponsoring organization.

Step 5: The week before your arrival confirm with hosts about any potential changes. At this point you should have heard from the Construction staff and local host. 

Step 6: Arrive  -   Unload and settle in.

Step 7: Work - A brief safety training will happen prior to your departure to job sites. Be sure to hydrate, use sunblock and bug spray and take care of yourselves!

Step 8: Play - be sure to figure in some time for enjoying local sites and restaurants. It is good to support the local economy!

Step 9: Depart for home. Travel safely!  You go with our prayers and incredible gratitude!

Step 10: Evaluate - a link to a google survey will be shared with you after your trip.  Please share any constructive criticism or feedback with Conference disaster response leadership.  We also invite you to share any pictures or stories from your trip!